
 Welcome to PrimaMater Alchemical Spirit Journeys!

Did you know that there are places you can go within yourself from which you can access higher wisdom, greater clarity, a sense of peace, and greater well-being?  For most of us such places are reachable only through inviting and speaking with the other than conscious mind while listening to the still, quiet voices inside.  Those voices might speak in words, images, memories, sensations, or a combination of the above.

PrimaMater Alchemical Spirit Journeys helps you reconnect to your innate wisdom and assist you in discovering or remembering how to listen to that subtle guidance.  Whether you’re currently going through a particular life event, or an emotional or physical challenge PrimaMater Alchemical Spirit Journeys can be transformational.  These sessions can also support you in tuning into your own inner process if you simply want to clear your system of the static noise that has accumulated over months, years, or even a lifetime of being distracted, busy, and simply not listening deeply.  The transformation occurs naturally and spontaneously as you invite and allow new perspectives, welcoming and laying down new pathways, and accepting positive changes in how you perceive and respond to your own thoughts and feelings.

Have you heard yourself say any of these following statements?

I just want to feel happy, connected and at peace.”

“A part of me knows better but I just can’t stop myself.”

“I want to be close to him or her but something keeps getting in the way.”

“I sense that there is something missing in my life but I don’t know what that is.”

Through strengthening and cultivating your inner connections you can become more centered, clear, and confident.  From that centered state of being within yourself, you can experience greater ease as you create more harmonious, synergistic, and loving relationships out in the world.

“The heart has divine instincts; it just needs to be turned loose in the sky.”  Teresa of Avila

Are you ready to experience the sweet reunion of coming home to your self?