What is PrimaMater?
Prima mater is a Latin term which translates as ‘First Matter’ or ‘First Mother’. As a human being, our first relationship with any other is with our mother, the one who carries us intimately within her womb. Throughout gestation our mother nurtures and provides safety for our development into an autonomous human being. As a helpless and dependent infant, she is also typically the one with whom we first bond. Ultimately however, our mother inevitably falls short of our idealized perfection of the goddess-like being we imagined her to be. The human mother is, after all, a fallible human being who was raised by another fallible human being and the legacy of fallibility seems to continue as far back as our known history can take us.
But did you know that there are “places” that recorded human history cannot take us? Such places are sacred and reachable only by going within: by accessing the other-than-conscious mind. Through guided meditations and trance journeys you can discover the archetype of the Original Mother – the PrimaMater – and cultivate relationship with your true source. Carl Jung claimed that the archetypes in the subconscious mind are part of the collective unconscious. There are countless archetypes which populate the symbolic language of the subconscious mind and each and every one of us has our own unique version of each archetype accessible within.
It is generally agreed these days that expanding our conscious awareness is our next important step in human evolution. Yet it often seems that there are things we simply wish to not be aware of, aspects of reality that we actually try to be unaware of as they are just too painful or overwhelming (or simply too inconvenient) to allow in. However, it has been my experience that when I’m willing to do the work – when I show up and connect within and cultivate my relationship with my PrimaMater, enlivening it, and allowing it to flow…when I can allow myself to feel loved, held, and nurtured by Her grace – then I have a greater capacity to be with the stuff of life, whatever it may be.
This stuff of life, often rife with stress, pain, disappointment, and disillusionment, is what the Alchemists call the prima materia. Prima materia is the chaos of primitive formless matter which can be transmuted into the reborn self and can be known as the ultima materia, through conscious intention and awareness. This is the alchemical art of turning lead into gold!
Cultivation of a deeply personal relationship with your own Prima Mater can assist you in your opening, your expansion, and your growth into a more full and complete human being. You can rediscover and reclaim your authentic essence as you were designed to be from the moment you were conceived.
A PrimaMater Alchemical Hypnotherapy and Spirit Journey session can be like entering into the womb of creation!
The evolution of the self is our personal responsibility that comes with the gift of life. It is the price we agreed to pay when we signed up for this ride in a body on earth. We can choose to evolve more consciously, or we can allow the fates to evolve us, despite ourselves. It seems to be a personal choice (free will), and from what I’ve learned it seems that the latter is likely a longer, bumpier road.
So…you may want to ask yourself this question: “Am I ready to take responsibility for the evolution of my being?” If you can answer a heartfelt yes to this question – even if you have doubts and fears about your ability to do so – then this work just might be an important part of your path.