~ What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is defined as a focused state of relaxation wherein the subconscious mind bypasses the analytical mind and is thereby open to positive suggestions. You can be hypnotized while thumbing through a magazine, driving down the freeway, listening to the radio, or watching the billboards zoom by. You can be hypnotized while watching television. In fact, most people actually spend much of their waking life in various states of hypnotic trance.
~ What is a trance state?
A trance state is considered any state other than the beta state of wakefulness which is alert and analytical. In hypnosis and hypnotherapy, most people experience ‘dreamy’ trance states of deep relaxation in which one’s awareness of inner processes is heightened.
~ How do I know that I’m not making it all up during a trance journey…that it’s not “just my imagination”?
This may be the most common question I hear and my response is in three parts:
Firstly, metaphor is the language of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does not distinguish between outer waking reality and dreams. How often have you had a dream and awakened believing that the events of the dream actually had occurred in waking life? That is the power of dreams, whether they be night dreams, daydreams, or trance dreams. Everything that we perceive and experience, all our memories, feelings, and habits are filtered through layers of conditioning and are stored in the subconscious mind. It is largely through the experience of intentional, positive dreams during hypnosis that healing can occur…in other words we get what we rehearse!
Secondly, ask yourself: “How do I know anything that I experience isn’t ‘just my imagination'”? Yes, it’s true that much of outer ‘reality’ is supported by outer consensus but what about your personal perceptions, discernments and choices? How often have you heard disagreement from others and yet you know what is true for you. This is a subjective, inner knowing, what was known as gnosis in Classical Greece. This kind of knowing cannot necessarily be measured or verified by data but it’s the kind of knowing that is undeniable when one tunes in deeply to an Inner Wisdom.
Thirdly, why do we give imagination such a bad rap? After all, imagination is what sparks creativity. The imagination is active and free in young children before socialization teaches them to ‘be more focused’. The imagination is associated with a natural innocence and curiosity which sadly becomes jaded and suppressed as we become adults. Ironically, the state of hypnosis is a focused state of relaxation which utilizes the imagination for the purpose of healing, wholeness and greater well-being. There is much for us to discover, learn and remember through actively steering the imagination. As the Biblical quote goes “…unless you become as little children you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.” And of course, there’s the adage “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood!” Alchemical hypnotherapy can be a powerful path to both.
~ What happens in a typical Alchemical hypnotherapy session?
Once we’ve talked a bit and gotten to know each other and become clear on what it is you want to work on, then I will guide you into your ‘inner world’ through a gentle interactive process. This process will assist you in accessing your subconscious mind and help you to free yourself of whatever is blocking you from realizing your goals. From this place of heightened self-awareness you can utilize the power of your imagination and the wisdom of your inner resources for the purpose of making wiser choices and positive changes.
~ What types of issues are responsive to Alchemical hypnotherapy?
Alchemical hypnotherapy is a very powerful process that is useful for transforming any unwanted habitual thought, feeling, or behavior into a healthier awareness and behavior. It is also very effective for making difficult decisions, clarifying values, and gaining a much broader perspective on your life. Alchemical hypnotherapy is good for anyone who wants to have greater self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-love.
~ What are the benefits or advantages of hypnotherapy as opposed to regular talk therapy?
Talk therapy certainly has its place and can be useful for gaining insights into your patterns. However, oftentimes insights are not enough to create lasting change. That’s because an insight occurs primarily at the level of the conscious mind while the subconscious mind is still driven by the same complexes as before. In Alchemical hypnotherapy we discover the root cause of the issue and I guide and support you as you feel the feelings that perhaps were too painful to experience at the time. Then I assist you in deeply and fully imagining a better, healthier scenario and outcome. You can even discover new inner resources often in the form of Inner Guides. This process produces positive results because the subconscious mind does not distinguish between waking ‘reality’ and imaginal ‘dreams’. New inner resource states are discovered, utilized, and ratified as new healthy mental pathways are created.
~ What if I can’t be hypnotized?
All hypnosis is ultimately self-hypnosis. The most important ingredients are curiosity, the willingness to trust your own inner wisdom, and motivation to change and grow. A touch of imagination helps to make it fun and, the more you do it, the more you will want to do it because it gets results! The inward focus of hypnosis enables you to discover the place of inner safety and self-trust from which the guidance of your own inner wisdom can emerge. From various states of consciousness, you become more able to access our emotions, unconscious memories, insights, and intuitions, as well as your creativity, motivation, and receptivity to powerful positive suggestions. Your wise mind actually already knows what is needed for your healing, growth, and self-actualization, and ultimately awakens you to what lies beyond your limited sense of self.
~ What if I like to be in control?
Throughout the process of a trance session, even in the deepest states of hypnosis, you always have complete freedom of choice in how you select and utilize the positive suggestions offered. In other words, you are in the ‘driver’s seat’ and are always ultimately in control!
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